- 电 话:
- 010-63879019
- 邮政编码:
- 100039
- E - Mail:
- webmaster@302hospital.com
- 详细地址:
- 北京西四环中路100号
- 更新日期:
- 2007-10-12
- 医院专长
- 医院简介
中国人民解放军第三○二医院创建于1954年,是全军唯一的三级甲等传染病专科医院。医院编制床位500张,担负着全军传染病医疗、教学、科研、预防、保健和信息研究等任务,负责全军疑难传染病的会诊、转诊和收治工作及艾滋病的治疗工作。医院在做好部队伤病员收治的同时,积极向社会开放,诊治来自全国各地的传染病患者和外宾。 学科发展迅速 医院设有31个临床、辅诊科室和中国人民解放军传染病研究所。在坚持“大专科、小综合”的发展模式下,重点加强了“传染病研究所、小儿肝病科、老年肝病科、中西医结合肝病科、重症肝炎科和肝硬化科”等特色科室的建设。在巩固自身专科优势的同时,新组建了“感染内科、肝胆外科、透析科和基因诊断治疗研究室”,增设了“皮肤性病和艾滋病”诊断治疗室,使医院学科设置更趋合理、更加完善,学科特色更加明显。医院被确定为“军队艾滋病与病毒性肝炎防治重点实验室”、“全军临床药理基地”,传染病研究所被总后卫生部确立为全军医学专科中心“重中之重”学科,“临床中药学”被列为国家中医药管理局军队系统中医药重点学科。目前,医院是全军传染病与寄生虫病学专业委员会主任委员和全军病毒性肝炎防治技术指导组组长单位,是北京市基本医疗保险定点医疗机构和北京大学等七所军内外医学院校的教学医院。医院编辑出版国家级杂志《传染病信息》公开向国内外发行,并被列为中国期刊方阵“双效期刊”。 技术力量雄厚 医院现有高级职称的科技干部百余名,有一大批享誉军内外的著名传染病专家,总后“一代名师”、国家中医学师承制导师、“全国有突出贡献的中青年专家”、“全国中青年医学科技之星”、总后“科技新星”和在传染病学科领域有一定造诣的学科带头人,有近百人在国际、全国和全军各级学术组织中任职,形成了一支结构合理的专业科技骨干队伍。医院是军医进修学院传染病硕士、博士学位授权点。 医疗设备精良 拥有包括螺旋CT、1000mA血管造影X线机、彩色B型超声波、100万倍透射电镜和扫描电镜、多弹头射频治疗仪、人工肾、人工肝透析系统、荧光显微镜、流式细胞仪、超速冷冻离心机、冷冻干燥机、真空浓缩干燥仪、高压液相色谱仪、原子吸收分光光度计、自动生化分析仪、氨基酸分析仪、自动DNA测序分析仪、多肽合成仪等在内的先进配套仪器设备,满足了医院医疗、教学和科研工作的需要。 专业特色鲜明 医院诊治各型肝炎、肝炎肝硬化、肝癌、感染性腹泻、流脑、乙脑、猩红热、流行性出血热、艾滋病等40余种常见和疑难传染病及其它感染性疾病。在重度高黄疸肝炎、肝炎肝硬化、小儿肝炎、流行性腮腺炎、艾滋病、各种感染性腹泻和中枢神经系统感染等疑难病症的诊断、治疗以及研究方面,填补了多项军内外空白。1980年以来,医院共获国家和军队级科研(医疗)成果奖300余项。医院研制的肝炎系列诊断试剂和“复方鳖甲软肝片”、“赤丹退黄颗粒”等新药获国家新药证书和生产批件,取得了良好的军事、社会和经济效益。 医德医风优良 医院重视加强医德医风建设,大力弘扬“真诚热爱传染病专业、长期安心传染病工作、优质服务传染病患者、勇于献身传染病事业”的“皇甫精神”,坚持“院前积极预防、院中精心治疗、院后主动随访”的一体化服务,多次荣获“首都精神文明单位”称号。1997、1998和1999年连续三年被评为全军“为部队服务先进医院”,医院“以病人为中心”的优质服务在社会上享有盛誉。 医疗环境优雅 医院深入落实“三个代表”的重要思想,按照建设现代化传染病专科医院的总体要求,进一步加快了“硬件”建设,新落成的两万多平方米的三栋病房楼和东西走廊,以其“布局科学、结构合理、设施先进、功能齐全”,使医院基本实现了“环境园林化”、“条件星级化”、“设备现代化”、“病房家庭化”和“服务宾馆化”。医院坚持“质量建院、科技兴院、从严治院、勤俭办院”的总方针,依靠科技进步,强化质量管理,加强学科人才和技术装备建设,抓紧实施“建设名科、培养名医、开发名药”的“三名工程”,为早日实现医院建设跨越式发展,建成现代化传染病专科医院而奋斗。 前进中的三○二医院,热忱欢迎国内外同行来医院参观、指导。 _______________________
Profile of 302 hospital of PLA302 HOSpltal OfPLA,foundedin 1954,is the s0le sDeclalized infectlOUS disease hOSpltal Of Grade Ⅲ,C1ass A,in the Army.Being attached with the Research lnstitute Of lnfectious Diseases Of PLA and the keV 1aboratorv fOr prevention Of AIDS and vir Office for the Army AssociatiOnfOrlnfectious Diseases and ParasltOsis as well aS the ArlTlY GUidance Comminee fOr PreventiOn and Treatment Of HepatitiS.Launching 600 beds,the hospital is responsible fOr treatmenl teaChine,research,prevention,healthcare and infOrmall01'1 C011ection Ofinfectious diseases in the ArmV. Meanwhile, it takes Charge Of consultatiOn,long-distance transferrme and diagnosis Of patients as well as patient admissiOn and treatment Of difricult and complicated infectious diseases in the Army. h addition tO treating patients Of infectIOUS diseases inthe Army,it diagnoses andtreats CivilianpatientS from any part Of China and Other countries.NowadayS,it has been granted by Beijing MuniClpal Bureau Of Health as a Designated Hospital for Basic Medical lnsurance Of Beijing Municipality and a teachng hospital for seven army and civilian Medical Colleges.IT also publishes a natiOnal?level academic journal一Infectious Disease lnformatiOn. Rich Technical Resources Now more than one hundred personnel with senior academl-ranks are working in the hospital.Many Of the sepersonnel are famous experts and leaders with Certain attainments in the field Of infectIious disease.They form a proper ladder-Shaped scientific and technological backbone Of the hospital.Furthermore.our hospital is qualified to confer master degree and doctor degree Of infectious diseases and has a post doctoral scientific research mobile Station and has trained many senior medical professionals with master or doctor degree for the Army. Quick Development Of All Departments Our hospital has one out-patient deparment and 28 Clnical and accessory departments equipped with advanced facilitles including Spiral CT,1000 mA X?ray Radiograph,B?mode Color U1trasonagraph,Electron Microscope with 100 milliOn transmission Or scanning, Flow Cytometer AutO-biochemical Analyzer,Automatic DNA Sequence Analyzer、Polypeptide?synthesizing Apparatus,Multi?directional Radio?frequency Therapy Apparatus,Artifocial Kidney System and Liver Dialysis System etc?,which address medical,teaching and research needs Of the hosptital. Profoand Professional Features Experts in the hospital are good at diagnosing and treating over forty kinds Of common and complicated infectious diseases such as various types Of hepatitis,liver cirrhosis,liver neoplasm,infectious diarrhea,epidemic meningitis encephalitiS B,scarlet fever,epidemic hemorrhagic fever and AIDS etC.After its founding,our hospital has filled numbers Of gaps and been in the first place fOr many times in China in diagnosis,treatment and research Of such complicated infectious diseases as severe icteric hepatitis,liver cirrhosis,infectious diarrhea and celltral nervous system infectious diseases etC.Since 1980,it has won over three hundred national Or Army awardS for achievements in Science and technology.A Set Of hepatitis diagnostis reagents as well as the new drugs such as Fufangbiejiaruanganplan(Compound Turtle Shell Anti?fibrosis Tablet) and Chidantuihuangkeli(Chidan Anti-iaundice Particle、developed by our hospial has been Officially approved by the government and been on Sale in over 30 provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions.ThiS achieves better military,social and economic benefits. SOundd Professional Ethics Our hospital pays great attention tO doctor's porofessional ethics and takes it as an important content fOr full?scale construction Of the hospital.AS a result,it has been famous all over China fOr its excellent service and been awarded as “Capital Advanced Unit in Spirit CiVilization'’for many times and“Excellent Unit for Servlce to Military Staffs”in 1997,1998and 1999. Comfortable Environment The hospital has been constructed based On the general principle Of“constructing a first-claSS modern infetious disease hospital” to achieve the goal Of“garden?like enviromnent”,“hotel-like wards”,“advanced equipments"and “feeling?at?home wards”. Nowadays,according to the general policy Of“building the hospital by quality,developing the hospital by sci-tech achievements,managing the hospital by strict demands and running the hospital by diligence and thrifty”,the hospital is steadily raising its healthcare quality to realize the aim Of leap?fOrward development.Meanwhile,all the staff members are trying their best to develop the hospital into a first?Class modern infectious disease hosptial in China. We welcome all personnel Of the same occupation both at home and abroad to ViSit our hOspital and give us valuable suggestion.
- 中国人民解放军302医院
- No.302 Hospital of P.L.A